About the Sainte-Justine Challenge
The Sainte-Justine Challenge is a series of fun, skill-testing athletic activities and brain teasers designed to engage the business community—and get them to support the very worthy cause that is Sainte-Justine! So dig up your best superhero duds—cape and all—and come proudly represent your organization!
When and Where
Start and end at Square Victoria in downtown Montreal. Staggered timeslots between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (indicate your preferred time when registering*). Please plan to be on site at least 30 minutes before your assigned start. Estimated completion time: 1.5–2 hours.
4 members: 2 Masterminds and 2 Superjocks.
How (Much)
There are no fees to sign up, but every team is encouraged to raise at least $2,500 in donations to take part.
*Exact time will be confirmed in the lead-up to the event.

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It…
The Sainte‑Justine Challenge gets teams to compete in a series of fun, skill-testing athletic activities and brain teasers. Each team will be made up of four people from the same organization who will have to rely on their wills and wits to earn points throughout the Challenge. Highest score wins!
The superhero theme is intended to pay tribute to the real heroes of Sainte-Justine: our young patients and the people who take such amazing care of them. The day will conclude with a post-event celebration when the final fundraising tally will be announced, along with the names of the top performers and fundraisers.
Fundraising Challenge
Our goal? To support Sainte-Justine, today and tomorrow. And you have the power to make it happen! Our top fundraisers will nab the much-coveted grand prize!
Brain Teasers
As a Mastermind, you won’t have any tall buildings to leap over in a single bound.
But you will have to flex your strategy, logic and lateral thinking muscles!
Athletic Activities
For our Superjocks, physical prowess and agility are the name of the game. And remember: a real superhero never backs down, even when the odds are stacked against them. Show Sainte-Justine what you’re made of!

You Genrosity : Lily-Rose’s Superpower
You would never guess upon seeing Lily-Rose’s impish smile just how much this little girl has been through. After being diagnosed with a life-threatening malignant tumour, she is now recovering from seven rounds of chemotherapy and an operation that removed most of her liver. The remarkable procedure hinged on a piece of equipment that you made it possible for us to acquire. Today, as ambassadors for the Sainte-Justine Challenge, Lily-Rose and her family are encouraging you to dream even bigger for all children.

A Healthier Today and Tomorrow for Children and Mother-To-Be
L’élan pour Sainte-Justine is a committee that reports to the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s Board of Directors. As a pillar of our university hospital centre for 25 years, the committee works hard to ensure that children and families from all over Quebec receive the very best in pediatric care.
The Quebec business community has supported the children and mothers-to-be of Sainte-Justine since 1999. Formerly called the Cercle de Sainte-Justine, L’élan pour Sainte-Justine, or “L’élan” for short, has mastered the art of organizing major philanthropic initiatives to benefit children’s health. Driven by a fresh vision marked by sheer enthusiasm, teamwork, openness and a modern sensibility, L’élan has set itself an ambitious goal—to raise $16 million by 2028 through the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s Grow Beyond campaign.
The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation is proud to have the unwavering support of its generous partners, who are helping to ensure a bright future for pediatric care. Together, we can transform children’s lives, now and over the long run.
The Sainte-Justine Challenge Photo Gallery
Partner With Us!
Interested in teaming up with the Sainte-Justine Challenge? We would love to have you merge your superpowers with ours! Write to us at infoelan@fondationstejustine.org for full details and partnership terms and conditions.
Thank you!